We envision a united Africa, where the people of the continent stand together in solidarity, creating a borderless, prosperous, and self-sustaining nation. We aim to establish one currency, one economy, one government, one passport, one central bank, and one united army. Our goal is to elevate Africa to its rightful place on the global stage, underpinned by mutual respect, brotherhood, solidarity, and the spirit of Pan-Africanism, ensuring that all Africans are united, empowered, and thriving.


1AfricaMission is a transformative movement committed to uniting the African continent and its people through collaboration, education, and advocacy. Our mission is to create a borderless Africa, bound by shared values of economic integration, political cohesion, and cultural pride. Through powerful initiatives, including peaceful protests, dialogues, symposiums, conferences, films, documentaries, fundraising campaigns, and tours, we aim to inspire a collective commitment to African unity. Driven by mutual respect, brotherhood, solidarity, patriotism, and Pan-Africanism, we seek to foster a united Africa that is economically prosperous, politically stable, and culturally rich, offering a bright and sustainable future for all African descendants.