Our Impact

Currently, 4-H has its intervention in 7 of Liberia’s 15 counties, targeting about 4,000 youth each year. The names of the counties are Lofa, Bong, Nimba, Margibi, Bomi, and Gbarpolu Counties. We desire to cover the entire 15 counties of Liberia reaching more youth when funding is available.


Ideally more numbers/input from the field.

Impact of 4-H in Liberia

Researchers from Northwestern University and Innovations for Poverty Action completed a comprehensive evaluation of our program, which showed highly positive results. This study highlights the significant impact 4-H has on both agricultural technology adoption and student outcomes.

Results indicate that SBAE was highly effective in improving both technology diffusion and rural education.

Key Findings

  • SBAE increased students’ and parents’knowledge, knowledge sharing, and adoption of promoted farming practices on parcels outside of school, with greater impacts than extension programs targeting adults.
  • SBAE improved student retention rates, school attendance, studying hours, livelihood aspirations, and Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) attendance.
  • The positive effects on technology adoption and education were present only with parental and community engagement.
  • The program can be cost-effective, with costs breaking even after four years and reaching a 2:1 cost-benefit ratio after six years.